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Zarnitsa grapes

Zarnitsa grapes

The Zarnitsa grape is one of the best varieties to grow. The variety is hybrid. It was bred by combining Radiant raisins and White grapes. The variety belongs to the white dining family. Grape variety Zarnitsa Characteristics of the variety Grape variety Zarnitsa has a high...

Rules for growing Dendrobium orchids

Rules for growing Dendrobium orchids

Orchid Dendrobium (Dendrobium) belongs to the genus of the orchid family, plants differ in shape and variety of flowers, features of growth and development. Having studied the rules of care, transplantation and reproduction for the Dendrobium orchid, it will turn out to grow a beautiful flower at home. Growing rules...

Features of the daily diet for rabbits

Features of the daily diet for rabbits

Proper nutrition is the main source of energy for any living organism. And rabbits are no exception to this rule. Each farmer has repeatedly faced the problem of calculating the daily feed rate for these eared animals. In the wild, the rodent is looking for food for itself and is able to make up for the lack...

Description of the First-Called grapes

Description of the First-Called grapes

The first-called grape is obtained by crossing the Talisman and the radiant Kish-Misha. Due to its quality characteristics, it quickly won the love of professional and amateur winegrowers. Description of the First-Called grapes Characteristics The First-Called grape variety belongs to table, hybrid,...

Description of tomato Orange Miracle

Description of tomato Orange Miracle

Tomatoes are a type of vegetable that is found in all garden plots. Every farmer or ordinary person tries to plant this species for his own use or for sale. In the modern world, there are not only varieties that are characterized by red fruits. Often...

Mushroom places of the Smolensk region

Mushroom places of the Smolensk region

Mushrooms of the Smolensk region are characterized by a high density of growth, they can be found almost everywhere where there is a birch forest. In any case, every experienced mushroom picker will tell you about it. Mushroom places of the Smolensk region For those who are just beginning to comprehend the beauty of the "quiet hunt", compiled...

How to properly water onions on a feather

How to properly water onions on a feather

For a whole year, the gardener is engaged in preparing the land, caring for perennial plants and planting new crops. Cyclical actions lead to stable results, become a person's pride for their own organized economy. How to pour onions on a feather? How to pour onions on a feather Valuable...

Using a greenhouse for tomato seedlings

Using a greenhouse for tomato seedlings

Before planting a crop, you should properly prepare a protected ground for tomato seedlings, because the quality of materials and conditions inside the greenhouse depends on the level of yield, taste and marketability of products. Greenhouse design is the most important thing in growing vegetables....

What are the unusual facts about mushrooms

What are the unusual facts about mushrooms

The existence of fungi and their distribution around the globe is one of the mysterious phenomena. These organisms have not been fully studied by scientists. Discoveries in this area and interesting facts about mushrooms never cease to amaze. Unusual facts about mushrooms General description In nature, there are about 2...

Moon in Gemini

Moon in Gemini

Gemini is a sign of Air. In the future, the taste of the crop also suffers, and the aroma, if there is, is very weak. Because of all of the above, it is highly undesirable to plant or transplant plants in this lunar phase. Careful care of weakened specimens will require a lot of effort,...

Potato variety "Red Scarlet": features of cultivation

Potato variety "Red Scarlet": features of cultivation

Red scarlet potatoes of the Red Scarlet variety are by far one of the most popular among both inveterate gardeners and those who simply like to enjoy delicious potatoes. Unpretentious, high-yielding variety, which, moreover, is distinguished by excellent taste - is a real...

Ficus pruning methods and methods of forming a deciduous crown

Ficus pruning methods and methods of forming a deciduous crown

Ficus Benjamina has long taken a strong leadership position among domesticated plants. This flower has unique healing properties, many signs and superstitions are associated with it. However, for the plant to be pleasing to the eye, it should be taken care of as a pet. Wipe the leaves wet...

How to harness a horse

How to harness a horse

Horses, a carriage are an excellent way of transportation for residents of rural hinterlands and villages. However, despite all the advantages of such trips, it is important to learn how to harness the horses correctly and quickly. In the absence of experience, the question of how to harness a horse can be difficult, and the ideal skill...

Freezing mushrooms for the winter

Freezing mushrooms for the winter

People in the summer-autumn period do a lot of homework for the winter. Methods are chosen for this very different: salted, fermented, pickled. To store vegetables and berries throughout the winter, many began to use freezers. Also, housewives practice freezing mushrooms. Freezing mushrooms for the winter...

Korean fir Silberlock - how to apply in landscape design

Korean fir Silberlock - how to apply in landscape design

The Korean fir Silberlocke (Koreana Silberlocke) is an evergreen coniferous tree that finds use in landscaping and gardening. The tree was recently bred: the first appeared in Germany in the 20th century thanks to the work of the botanist breeder Gunter Horstmann. Korean fir...

What causes melons and how to deal with its pests?

What causes melons and how to deal with its pests?

Melon, like most other melons, is prone to damage by various diseases. The causes of the disease in melons can be fungi, viruses and bacteria. To save the crop, you need to be able to recognize the disease on time by the symptoms that appear and correctly diagnose it. Melon Disease...
