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Category: Poultry farming

Sheep duck

In the duck family there is a variegated variegated sheath duck, otherwise called the atayka duck, which in appearance and behavioral features resembles geese and classic ducks, occupying an intermediate position between these bird groups. Peganka duck Unique appearance Distinguish duck...

Features of incubation of turkey eggs

Turkey eggs have a high hatchability rate. Therefore, instead of buying turkey poults every year, it is advisable to purchase an incubator once and hatch chicks from eggs yourself. Consider how the incubation of turkey eggs occurs, what temperature and humidity should be in the incubator,...

Modern quail breeds

Quail breeds have been bred over the past 100 years. The first to be tamed was the common wild quail. Then people began to improve the qualities they needed. The result is productive poultry from which you can get meat and eggs. The decorative direction developed separately,...

The benefits and harms of goose meat

Goose meat is a source of iron and protein. Poultry fat contains practically no cholesterol. But, since this meat is not eaten as often as chicken and duck, the benefits and harms of this product are not known to everyone. People who eat goose know how valuable his meat is. In connection with...

How to feed little ducklings at home

For aspiring poultry farmers, raising ducks at home can be challenging as it is important for these birds to be properly cared for. The maintenance of ducks has its own characteristics, and some of them are related to their diet. The most careful approach to this issue should be if at home...

The benefits of meat indoo

Among all poultry that have a consistently high value for humans, the indochka rightfully occupies one of the most prominent places, and not the first century in a row. It should be noted that it is more correct to call such a feathered musky duck, and the birthplace of this bird is America - Central and South. There...

Why chickens and roosters peck each other until blood

Many farmers wonder why chickens peck each other's blood. When breeding chickens, this problem is quite relevant. To understand why they peck themselves so or their brothers sometimes even to death, it is necessary to find out the reasons for this behavior. The first thing is that poultry farmers...

Highbred turkey breed converter

Diet turkey meat was the reason to raise these large poultry on private farms. Among the well-known breeds that give good performance indicators are the Highbride Converter turkeys. Breed of turkeys Hybrid converter General about the breed Breed of turkeys hybrid converter,...

What should be food for quail and how to make it

Only the lazy does not speak about the benefits and taste of quail meat and eggs. Birds are really great pets, and many farmers, both beginners and not so, decide to breed them. The productivity and health of birds depends to a large extent on the conditions of keeping. Last but not least, it is important to take care...